til en ny utfordring. Denne gangen har
vi valgt å ha en fargeutfordring og vil se
fargene rosa, grønn og hvit.
Håper du blir med på utfordringen.
Jeg har laget dette kortet med papirer fra Maja, vi i dt fikk sponset et stempel.
Digistamps4Joy (or DS4J) http://www.digistamps4joy.co.za/eshop is the first and only South African online digital image store, launched in 2010. In May 2012, Margy Kieser took over ownership of DS4J, with two South African artists who contribute to the more than 500 images available. Margy has taken the store to new heights and the store now stocks digis that are cute, whimsical, artistic, sometimes serious, and sometimes humorous. The store has PAYPAL, PAYFAST (South African) and EFT (South African) facilities. Digistamps4Joy offers a monthly freebie on the first Friday of every month, and holds regular bi-weekly card challenges on our BLOG that draw entries from many international card makers, so we'd love it if you joined us! We are also active on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/DS4Joy) and Planet (http://www.papercraftplanet.com/group/digistamps4joy)